High-quality content in academic writing

Exploring a comprehensive collection of scholarly contributions

This section highlights published academic papers, ongoing research efforts, and unpublished working papers that contribute to the evolving landscape of financial and economic studies. Through rigorous analysis and empirical investigation, these works aim to enhance understanding and provide valuable insights into global market dynamics.

Academic Content

Academic papers published

  • Apergis, N., P. Artikis and D. Kyriazis (2015). Does stock market liquidity explain real economic activity? New evidence from two large European stock markets”. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 38, 42-64. ABS rating (3). DOI:11016/j.intfin.2015.05.002


  • Kyriazis, D. and Christou, (2013). A Re-examination of the Performance of Value Strategies in the Athens Stock Exchange”. International Advances in Economic Research, 19, 131-151. ABS rating (1) DOI: 10.1007/s11294-013-9402-7


  • Kyriazis, D. (2010). “The Long-Term Post Acquisition Performance of Greek Acquiring Firms”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 43, 69-79.


  • Kyriazis, D. and Diacogiannis, G. (2008). “The Determinants of Wealth Gains in Greek Takeover Bids”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 22, 162-177.


  • Kyriazis, D. and Voudouris G. (2008). “The Post-Takeover Operational Performance: An Application to the Greek Acquiring Firms. International Journal of Economic Research, 5 (1), 75-92.


  • Kyriazis, D. and Diacogiannis, G. (2007). “Testing the Performance of Value Strategies in the Athens Stock Exchange”, Applied Financial Economics, 17, 1511-1528. ABS rating (2). DOI: 1080/09603100600949226


  • Kyriazis, D. and Anastassis, Ch. (2007). “The Validity of the Economic Value Added Model: an Empirical Application”, European Financial Management, 13 (1), 71-100. ABS rating (3). DOI:1111/j.1468-036X.2006.00286.x



  • Holl, P. and Kyriazis, D. (1997).Agency, Bid Resistance and the Market for Corporate Control”, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 24(8), 1037-1066. ABS rating (3). DOI:1111/1468-5957.00150


  • Holl, P., Dassiou, X. and Kyriazis, D. (1997). “Testing for Asymmetric Information Effects in Failed Mergers”. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 4 (2), 155-172. ABS rating (2) DOI: 1080/758516225


  • Holl, P. and Kyriazis, D. (1996). “The Determinants of Outcome in UK Takeover Bids”, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 3(2), 165-184. ABS rating (2). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/758528451

Working papers in progress

Vitkova, V., Kyriazis, D. Asimakopoulos, P. and Sudarsanam, S (2024). “Specialist Shareholder Activists and their Impact on Campaign Win and Target Firm Value”, εργασία η οποία χρηματοδοτείται από το MARC (Mergers & Acquisitions Research Centre of the City Bayes Business School). Η εργασία παρουσιάσθηκε σε συνέδρια (EFMA, Athens/Greece, June 2017, FMA, Boston/USA 2018, EFMA Azores/Portugal June 2019, EFMA, Rome Italy 2022 & FEBS Athens December 2024).


Asimakopoulos, P., Kyriazis, D., Konstantatos, A. and Sainis, G. (2024). “The impact of employment layoffs on post-acquisition operating performance based on the ESG performance”.

Unpublished working papers

Sudarsanam, S., Vitkova, V. and Kyriazis, D. (2020). “Impact of inter-country differences in disclosure and shareholder rights regimes on the formation of hedge fund wolf-packs, campaign outcomes and target shareholder value gains”.

Lioukas, S., Dimitratos, P., Sapouna, P. and Kyriazis, D. (2018). “The Role of Strategic, Institutional and Cultural Distance in International Mergers and Acquisitions”.

Apergis, N., Kyriazis, D. and Paparizos P. (2015). “Determinants of merger waves”.

Kyriazis, D., Tsoumas, Ch. and Antzoulatos, A. (2011). “Asymmetric Information and the Medium of Payment in US Takeover Bids”. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1742341

Tsoumas, C. Antzoulatos, A. and Kyriazis, D. (2009). “Financial Development and Asymmetric Information”. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1100032

Kyriazis, D. (2025). “Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As), forthcoming 3rd edition, Diplography publications, Athens.

The latest forthcoming edition of the book contains the updating of the large international bibliography and academic research in the scientific field of M&A considering the new perspectives such as ESG, shareholder activism (e.g hedge funds) and other aspects. Also, this edition of the book covers the recent developments in the Greek legal framework in recent years. The book offers both a strong theoretical background and follows a practical approach with the addition of examples in Excel referring to the various valuation methods. This book, which has filled the gap that existed in the Greek literature of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As), provides an overview of international empirical research in this field, describes and explains M&A processes with an emphasis on the correct valuation of acquisition target companies by analyzing a number of practical applications with examples in Excel. The book has received very positive comments from both academics and professional market executives in Greece dealing with M&As and it is used extensively as a textbook in many business finance courses in several Greek Universities across the country. It is also quite a useful tool for both executives of large companies working in M&A departments and analysts working in brokerage firms and investment banks. In 2017 there was a new edition of the book that mainly covered the recent developments in the Greek legal framework in recent years.