| Qualifications and Employment Prospects
Employment Prospects
Wide scope of professional activity.
In the current working environment of the international financial markets and multinational groups, the demands from executives are constantly increasing, since executives are the heart of every business and their quality determines its prospects. The globalized economy and international competition entail ever-increasing demand for quality, innovation, and adaptation of knowledge on the part of executives.
Particularly in the financial sector, changes are continuous and rapid, which makes lifelong learning necessary for those who seek professional development.
The Postgraduate Program “The Financial and Institutional Framework of the Money and Capital Markets”, has a cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary character, in the sense that it provides students with specialized knowledge of both the financial and legal domains regarding the functioning of the financial and capital markets, thus covering the increased professional needs of the legal professionals of the relevant area at all levels. In this context, the program familiarizes students with the financial logic and theory of the money and capital markets, the institutional aspects of the functioning of the financial markets, as well as with traditional and modern financial transactions and activities (e.g. bank lending, investment services, securitisation, acquisitions and mergers). Among the main characteristics of the program, the ones that stand out are the combination of academic knowledge and the professional experience of the professors, as well as the composition of different subjects.
Apart from the scientific knowledge it provides, with a modern curriculum, comparable to the best universities in the world, the Postgraduate degree encourages, promotes, and rewards competition, excellence, and a professional mindset, seeking to educate leaders and responsible citizens.
Typical career paths.
- a) Immediate integration or advancement in the professional arena either in positions of responsibility or as self-employed for lawyers who are active or wish to engage in professional activity in the financial and capital markets
- b) Doctoral studies in internationally renowned universities, possibly leading to an academic career.
Typical jobs.
Some of the jobs of the Department’s graduates are listed below. These are positions of responsibility, which require from the financial executives to:
- have critical thinking and the creativity to respond successfully to the challenges of the rapidly changing economic and social environment;
- combine high-level theoretical training with a practical mindset to provide solutions to real-world problems, by taking strategic decisions, as is appropriate for graduates of a Business School;
- undertake the training/training and management of a team
Legal Service of the Bank and Investment Services Firms (I.S.F)
As a legal advisor to Bank and Investment Services Firms, the purpose is the timely and effective legal and judicial coverage of the services of these companies. It delivers opinions, proposes or recommends, following written questions from the governing bodies of the Bank and the companies’ management bodies.
Regulatory Compliance Departments of Listed Companies
Listed companies shall adopt policies and procedures to comply with the legal and regulatory provisions governing their organization and operation.
An internal/external legal advisor to a listed company will help to establish and formulate a coherent framework to ensure compliance with those policies and procedures imposed by the relevant legislative and regulatory framework.
Executive of Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities
As an executive of the Bank of Greece, the European Central Bank, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, and the Athens Stock Exchange Market… they monitor companies listed on the stock exchange market and banks, in order to ensure their smooth operation for the benefit of the society as a whole.
Company Ececutive of Venture capital and private equity funds
They are specialized financial analysts and investment and management consultants in new, small, innovative private firms with strong growth prospects which can then be introduced to stock markets (IPOs) bringing significant profits to the original founders and main shareholders.
Executive of audit and advisory firms
These firms provide advice on economic, business (corporate strategy, restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions), developmental, financial, tax, and commercial matters to private and public companies and banks, as well as governments. The most well-known in Greece are PWC, KPMG, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, McKinsey and BCG.
Collective Investment Undertakings, Venture Capital Companies, Social Entrepreneurship Funds, Blockchain Companies and DLTs