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Π.Μ.Σ στη «Χρηματοοικονομική Τεχνολογία (FinTech)»

M.Sc. in Financial Technology (FinTech)

Modern Programming Methods

1st Semester, Course Code: ΜΕΧΤΕ102

Credits: 7,5

Learning Outcomes

This course provides the general foundations of Python. Knowing programming languages may be a useful skill. Python is a wonderful programming language, where execution speed appears often as an issue in practical applications. For applications where this is an issue, also coding in C++ can significantly improve performance. As C++ can relatively easily be integrated in a Python project, it is also possible (and common) to code just the bottleneck in that language.

Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • learn the fundamental programming concepts and methodologies which are essential to building good C++ programs.
  • practice the fundamental programming methodologies in the C++ programming language via laboratory experiences.
  • code, document, test, and implement a well-structured, robust computer program using the C++ programming language.
  • identify core aspects of programming and features of the Python language.
  • understand and apply core programming concepts in Python like conditionals, loops, variables, and functions.
  • use different ways for writing and running Python code.
  • design and write fully-functional Python programs using commonly used data structures, custom functions, and reading and writing to files.

General Competences

  • Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology.
  • Adapting to new situations.
  • Decision-making.
  • Working independently.
  • Team work.
  • Working in an interdisciplinary environment.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Development of free, creative and inductive thinking.

Course Content

The following material will be presented:

  • Introduction to C++ and Python Programming, and general understanding.
  • Practical demonstrations of C++ Programming and Python Programming.
  • Understanding of C++ And Python programming interface.
  • C++ Arrays, C++ Operators, C++ Assignment, Logical and Relational Operators.
  • C++ Accessing Structure Members, C++ Functions, Calling a Function, Class Template, Conditional Compilations.
  • Python Arrays, Python Operators, Arithmetic, Bitwise, Membership Operators.
  • Python List, Python Access, Update and Delete Lists, List Methods, Built-in Functions.
  • Python Tuple and Tuple Operations, Python Dictionary and Dictionary Operations.
  • Python Conditional Statements, Python Loops and Statements.
  • Python Functions

Student Performance Evaluation

I. Written exam (70%) that includes:

  • Questions on theory.
  • Explicit description of algorithmic methods.
  • Development of computational algorithms for the numerical solution of problems.

II. Coursework (30%) that includes the development and execution of computational algorithms for the numerical solution of problems, subject to the material taught in class.

This is a 3-hour written exam. The individual evaluation grades are explicitly written next to each question.


Suggested Bibliography

  • Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition, Pearson Education (US), 2013.
  • Mark Lutz, Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming, 5th Edition, O’Reilly Media, 2013.

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