MSc Thesis
3rd Semester, Course Code: ΕΡΓ-1
Credits: 15
Learning Outcomes
The goal of thesis implementation is the deepening of students’ critical thought through the development of a study, as well as of applied research, on topics primarily associated with the issues being dealt by the Graduate Program. More specifically, the goals of the thesis are:
- the development of students’ specialization in fields directly related to the field the research topic is lying,
- the development of students’ research skills and methodologies,
- the way students can develop their skills to find and download statistical data associated with the selected topic of research (only if the thesis includes and empirical part), and
- the application of the students’ knowledge acquired during the program’s time
Upon the successful completion of the thesis, students will be capable of implementing basic, as well as applied research, while they will be able to develop and progress knowledge ontopic directly associated with the curriculum of the program. At the same time, students will be capable of:
- seeking and using the right information sets coming from the relevant research literature,
- using their knowledge from the curriculum of the program and developing the required skills to do research,
- using the literature review and associating it with the conditions in the real world of the selected topic,
- handling statistical data that allows him/her to come up with specific recommendations and reaching the correct decisions,
- analysing and reporting his/her results through the appropriate use of mathematical and/or econometric methods,
- displaying his/her capacity to handle quantitative kai qualitative research methods,
- assessing the quality of his/her findings and recommending new ways of approaching the research issues,
- offering the appropriate recommendations that improve any conditions based on those findings,
- offering a scientific report, and
- organizing and reporting his findings through an oral presentation.
General Competences
- Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology
- Adapting to new situations
- Decision-making
- Working independently
- Working in an interdisciplinary environment
- Production of new research ideas
- Criticism
- Production of free, creative and inductive thinking
Course Content
During the third Semester students, in collaboration with their supervisor, they need to select their topic of research for thesis implementation.. More specifically:
1st Step: Topic selection
Students have two options: a) to propose a topic related to their current employment or related to the students’ research interest or b) to choose one of the topics suggested by the teaching staff.
In their first step, students need to select the topic of their thesis. Certain sources can be explored, such as teaching courses, discussion with teaching staff and high-ranking people coming from the private sector, the literature associated with the topic, topics that are considered as hot current issues or related to the students’ research interest. It is a plus if the selected topic is characterized by certain novelties, which is a major plus for the thesis. Selected topics are closely related to the capacities and skills of the students which is a contusive factor for the in time completion of the thesis. Accordingly, the selected topic should not have been explored by another student or (if possible) by the literature itself. Useful sources for this are the National Archive of Doctoral Theses (, which offers doctoral thesis from all Greek universities, the «Online Sources» through the Digital Library of the University of Piraeus (, such as the Depository of «Dione» (, various Search Machinesη of published papers offered by Google Scholar (, as well as the International Database of Theses Proquest (
2nd Step: Contact with the Teaching Staff
In the next step, students need to communicate with the teaching staff of the department who have declared their interest of supervising a thesis. This kind of communication targets the discussion on a topic close to the interest of both parties, with the potential supervisor offering specific information on the topic (and particularly on the literature associated with the topic).
3rd Step: The exact Definition of the Topic
In this stage, students need to go deep into the literature associated with the selected topic. In particular, students should determine the advancement of the literature, the data they need, the selection of the appropriate methodology, as well as the resources and the time students need to complete their thesis. Theses must have both a theoretical and an empirical part, or only a theoretical part.
4th Step: Submission of the Topic to the Secretariat Office of the Department of Banking and Financial Management.
Once the proposal is approved by the supervisor, students submit it to the Secretariat Office of the Department of Banking and Financial Management.
5th Step: Writing the Thesis
When the 3rd semester begins, students are required to start working on their thesis, while they communicate with their supervisor regularly, at least once a month. The thesis includes five specific parts:
- A) Introduction, in which students explain their goal, the background of their research, the novelties, as well as the importance of the research for certain stakeholders, the required methodology, as well as any potential expected findings.
- B) The theoretical part, which also includes any related literature review, as well as the theoretical background and hypotheses associated with the topic of the thesis.
Γ) The followed methodology associated with the empirical part of the thesis, as well as any justification for the selection of certain methods.
Δ) The findings of the empirical research which will confirm or not the hypotheses developed, as well as the empirical findings.
Ε) Any conclusions, as well as policy recommendations. Next, any appendices and the references sections follow.
Students need to present their literature review. To this end, they should visit electronic libraries offered by other academic institutions, the National Center of Research or any other related sources through the platform of «Argo», which offers free access to references available not only in Greece, but also around the globe, or alternatively can get references sources from the electronic library at the University of Piraeus ( or other alternative links, such as Heal-Link (, and other research Machines of published research papers (e.g., Google Scholar). The access to those sources can be achieved only through specific terminals available at the University of Piraeus, or alternatively from distant terminals connected with the university’s environment through the VPN system.
Next, once students retrieve their necessary literature/methodology material, and in collaboration with their supervisor, they need to organize and classify it.
6th Step: Thesis Presentation
Next, students need to present their thesis to a Committee of three Staff members (one is their supervisor). They report the main parts of their work. To this end, they need to prepare a Power Point presentation, while the duration of it is 15 minutes plus a 5-10 minute Q&A section. At the same time, they also need to prepare a 5-page presentation (primarily in Word) in which they report the main parts of their work to all members of their committee.
The grading scale is:
5 – 6,49: Good
6,5-8,49: Very Good
8,5-10 : Perfect
In case, the presentation does not land on success (Grade: 0-4.99), the students are advised to explicitly consider the comments and suggestions made by the committee and then he/she re-enrolls for an extra semester.
7th Step: Thesis Submission
Upon the successful presentation of their thesis students are required to explicitly consider any minor suggestions for improvements and next to submit it to the platform of «Dione» ( which is related to the writing production of the University of Piraeus. The thesis must be submitted by the end of February, which is the end of the third semester. Any extension can be provided only based on specific reasons.
Student Performance Evaluation
Thesis submission.
- Oral presentation where both students and teaching staff are free to attend.
- Thesis evaluation by a Committee of three members.
- Upon the thesis presentation, the Committee discusses and assess the thesis, while it provides the necessary grade.
- The committee has to explicitly consider the following criteria:
- The novelty of the thesis, as well as any difficulties or restriction were encountered by the student.
- The capacity of students to comprehend their research
- The use of the methodology to achieve their empirical goals
- The implementation of the thesis
- The technical part of the thesis
Suggested Bibliography
The literature is proposed by the supervisor
Related Academic Journals
The literature is proposed by the supervisor