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Π.Μ.Σ στη «Χρηματοοικονομική Τεχνολογία (FinTech)»

M.Sc. in Financial Technology (FinTech)

| Selection Procedure

The selection of new graduate students is in accordance with the regulatory framework established by the Regulatory document of graduate studies.

The selection procedure starts when the General Assembly of the Department publishes a Call on the Department’s site. The Call link provides all the necessary details for potential candidates, such as the dates and the location of the application submission, the required proof documents etc).

Online Application

The application, along with all required proof documents can be submitted only electronically on the site of the Department and in the Secretariat Office. The dates of the application can be modified by the General Assembly of the Department.

The electronic submission procedure requires:

  • Login to the submission link,
  • Registration as a new user,
  • Selection of the Graduate Program the candidate is interested in,
  • Filling out all the necessary information,
  • Attachment of all required proof documents,
  • Final submission.

Required Proof Documents ​

  1. Application form (only online).
  2. Resume/CV.
  3. Diploma certificate. The candidates who are close to completion they must formally declare that their potential acceptance status can be invalidated if they do not manage to get their degree during the September exam period.
  4. Grading certificate.
  5. One (1) recommendation letter from their undergraduate Faculty. The recommendation letter may be submitted either directly to the Secretariat Office or via a special document which can be found on the site of the Graduate Program.
  6. A copy of the undergraduate thesis (if it applies).
  7. Any publication(s) (if there exist).
  8. Job or research holding proof (mainly for part-time students).
  9. English language certificate (Β2 level, or a Diploma from an English speaking overseas university). For those candidates who do not submit this certificate during registration, they must formally declare that they will submit it by the start of the course work.
  10. A copy of the candidate’s ID.
  11. A recent photo.
  12. A formal declaration (via, or through a KEP station that will formally certify the validity of the signatureή) which will certify that all submitted documents are valid.

Candidates from overseas universities must also submit a certificate from DOATAP that their overseas institution has been recognized by the Greek government. For those who do not submit it, they need to certify whether their Diploma is included in the National Record of Recognized Overseas of Higher Education Institutions offered by DΟΑΤΑP (

For the recognition of an overseas Diploma the candidates must:

  • Come from an institution that is included in the file records of DOATAP,
  • Ask the Secretariat Office of their overseas institution to send to the Graduate Program’s Secretariat Office a Certified Declaration of the candidate’s studies. However, if the overseas academic institution has awarded the Diploma from an Office within the Greek boundaries, the candidate cannot secure an acceptance status. This document is available at under the link Documents-Instructions.

The General Assembly of the Department may ask for more documents.

Personal Interview

The candidates need to have an interview with an Interview Committee from Faculty members. The interview may occur either online or on a face-to-face basis. The selection and classification of candidates is based on two (2) criteria: a) the Diploma grade (weight: 50%), and b) the personal interview (weight:50%). The Interview Committee evaluates certain criteria in relevance to the candidate, such as communication skills, maturity, and determination of the candidate to join the specific Graduate Program, as well the candidate’s career and other interests. The Interview Committee classifies the candidates in a descending order and files a list with those that have secured an acceptance status; the file is presented to the General Assembly of the Department. In cases that the last acceptance position has more than one (1) candidate, then all of them can secure an acceptance status.


The accepted candidates are (electronically) informed by the Secretariat Office about their acceptance status. Similarly, those who did not manage to secure they are electronically informed about their non-acceptance status. Those who managed to secure an acceptance status must pay the registration fees which are deducted from the first installment of their tuition fees. For those who decide to leave the Graduate Program, although they have paid the registration fees, these fees are non-refundable. In that case, the General Assembly sends an acceptance letter to the first runner up on the list of those candidates who did not manage to secure an acceptance status.


The new graduate students must be electronically registered via the site of the Secretariat Office during the announced dates. The registration is considered complete only if all proof documents have been submitted.

During registration, all new graduate students must formally declare that they have studies and accepted the Regulation document of the Graduate Program.

When the registration process is complete, the Secretariat Office sends an electronic formal letter to the new graduate students with the formal Certificate of Registration, along with the students’ Personal Note. The Personal Note provides information about: a) their username, and b) instructions about the activation of their student account. Upon the activation of their account, the registered students have access to their account, as well as to all electronic services available from the University of Piraeus and the Ministry of Education. More specifically, the new graduate students have access to:

  • the platform (Electronic Secretariat Office); via this platform, the graduate student are able to:
    • get information about the offered courses and the corresponding instructors,
    • get information about their grades,
    • ask for a grades certificate.
  • the e-class service for each course they will attend; the platform provides information about the syllabus of the course, the required textbooks and articles, homework assignments, notes, slides, and any other necessary material for the successful completion of the course,
  • the platform that provides information about how the graduate students can get their student ID,
  • the distant access (VPN) platform; It provides information about how students can have distant access to all available university services, such as library books, library papers and old theses, library databases),
  • Microsoft material (Microsoft Office 365 Education Plus), as well as to any other educational material (as it described at,
  • The Wifi university network,
  • All university services offered via EDYTE, such as:
    • Eurozone students link (euro-where)
    • Educational Cloud (~okeanos)
    • ViMa (Virtual Machines) hosting Services, Experiments and Applications
    • online file storing (Pithos+)
    • online meetings (e:Presence)
    • online events (DIAYLOS)

Moreover, they have access to:

  • the Computer Lab of the Department of Banking and Financial Management, where both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Faculty are able to:
  • Monitor all developments in international financial markets
  • Have direct access to databases: DataStream, Thomson Reuters, ΕΙΚΟΝ
  • Have internet access
  • Library, all undergraduate and graduate students have free access to:
  • All library books,
  • Certain databases, such as International Trade by Commodity Statistics (ITCS), Shipping Intelligence Network, Classification Web, Computer & Applied Sciences Complete, ECONLIT, ICAP, Internation-al Financial Statistics Online Service, JSTOR, Journal Citation Reports 2008 Edition, MathScience, LAW,
  • Seminars associated with the efficient use of the Library:
    • Library services,
    • Strategic methods of information search,
    • Literature issues:
      • Copyright,
      • Plagiarism,
      • Book and paper styling (APA, Harvard, MLA),
      • Citations programs (Mendeley, Zotero).

The Library offers to the graduate students the following specific seminars in:

  • Guidance in writing a thesis (structure, literature review, keywords),
  • The depository room for theses,

The depository room of Dioni offers the copyright production of the University of Piraeus – undergraduate and graduate homework papers and theses, course notes, and other. The submission of both graduate and doctoral theses is mandatory for the owners of those theses,

  • Internships and Job Office,, it offers advisory assistance to graduate students and support in relevance to vacant jobs (both in Greece and overseas) at various stages, such as interview preparation, Resume preparation etc., as well as advisory support for start-up businesses.
  • Office of International and Public Relations,, it governs the implementation of the Erasmus+ Student and Staff Mobility program. The ERASMUS+ program is the new program the European Committee offers to all EU university students with the aim at supporting the development of students’ skills across to certain supportive programs, such as the Lifetime Educational programs,
  • Students’ Support,, where students receive information about catering issues,
  • Advisory Center, it offers advice on active educations, efficient adjustment in new needs and requirements, social dexterities, relationships, and family, coping with stressful issues, health prevention issues, and the development of skills necessary for a successful professional career. The advisory psychological activities occur either on a group or individual basis, or through certain seminars that support and promote the academic adjustment of students’ population,

Medical Office, it offers 1st Degree Health Services.