| Programme Authorities
The Graduate Program is operating under Law 4957/2022. More specifically the authorities of the program are:
The General Assembly of the Department
The General Assembly are responsible to organize and manage the Graduate Program as follows:
- Recommend the validation or the modification of the decision that establishes the Graduate Program, as well as its extension of its operation to the Senate of the university,
- Approve the members of the Coordinating Committee,
- Assign the teaching load to the instructors of the Graduate Program,
- Organize the Committees that evaluate the new applications for the Graduate Program, while it approves the registration of the successful candidates,
- Provide fellowships of excellence and any other fellowship in relevance to financial criteria,
- Organize exam committees for the submitted theses, while assign the supervisors of those theses,
- Confirm the successful completion of graduate studies and proceeds with the award of the Diploma,
- Approve the Graduate Program reports, following their approval by the Coordinating Committee,
- Approve the call for new graduate students,
- Decide the deletion / temporary suspension of graduate students from the program,
- Examines the criteria for fellowships,
- Are responsible for all activities within the Regulation of the Graduate Program.
The General Assembly of the Department can decide whether activities No, 4 and 5 can be given to the Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program.
The Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program
The Coordinating Committee has as members the Director of the Graduate Program plus four (4) Faculty members of the Department, whose area is close to that covered by the Graduate Program and who hold the role of Instructors. These members are defined by the General Assembly of the Department.
The Director of the Graduate Program
The Director of the Graduate Program presides the Coordinating Committee, is a member of the Faculty of the Department with a ranking of Professor or Associate Professor. The Director comes from the General Assembly and his/her term is for two (2) years, while the duration of his/her term can be renewed without any time limit.