| Qualifications and Employment Prospects
Employment Prospects
The MSc “Financial Management of Public Organizations and Units” is the only state-recognized postgraduate program in Greece that focuses on Financial Management in the Public Sector. It was designed in order to provide the theoretical and practical knowledge covering the entire range of applications of Financial Management in the Public Sector within two semesters. The MSc, taking into account (a) the requirements for maximum efficiency in the Financial Management of the Public Sector, (b) the needs arising from the imminent implementation of new legal frameworks, and (c) the requirements for optimal utilization of funding resources for the implementation of public projects, aims at:
- the significant enhancement of the essential qualifications of public officials and employees in the field of Financial Management with specialized postgraduate knowledge,
- cultivating and developing the interest of public sector executives for understanding the increasingly complex and dynamic international economic environment,
- significantly enhancing the ability of public administration to staff positions, which require an in-depth understanding of the financial operation of the public sector and the wider financial system using existing human resources, and
- enhancing the financial efficiency of public organizations and units through the scientific training of their staff.
Graduates of the Program will meet both the substantive and formal requirements for advancement to positions of responsibility in the wider public sector, such as
- ministries (indicatively, the General Accounting Office of the State, the Court of Audit, the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, in the Tax Offices, etc.),
- Local Government Units and Organizations (Municipalities, Regions, etc.),
- hospitals,
- academic institutions (Universities, Academy of Athens) and research centers,
- public-owned companies ,
- military academies,
- supervisory authorities and audit institutions of the economic and financial system,
- international organizations and agencies
- public undertakings,
- Consultancies,
- Non-Profit Organizations and Institutions
- Institutions for the management of bequests and/or scholarships (indicatively, State Scholarships Foundation (IKY, etc.)
and more generally, in any sector (or legal entity) of the general government, within or from which financial resources are managed. Indicatively, graduates of the MSc will be able to professionally advance (acquiring in-depth supervision) in
- Financial services,
- Payroll Departments
- Procurement Departments
- Directorates or departments for projects and/or financial resources management
- Finance management units or departments
- Special Accounts for Innovation and Research (ELKE)
- Accounting departments,
- Units of financial control and supervision of public bodies and enterprises
- Internal Audit Departments
- Units of the general public sector aiming at the promotion of:
- public-private partnership
- entrepreneurship
- departments/committees for the evaluation of projects and proposals for funding from state or European resources
- Departments for the management of bequests and scholarships
establishing prospects for advancement to public positions of wider responsibility and supervision.