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Π.Μ.Σ Το Χρηματοοικονομικό και Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο των Αγορών Χρήματος και Κεφαλαίου

M.Sc. in Banking and Finance Law

Mergers and Acquisitions

2nd Semester, Course Code: ΜΕΧΘ07

Credits: 8

Learning Outcomes

The purpose of this course is for students, having completed the required teaching hours, to be able to:

  1. understand the basic laws governing mergers and acquisitions;
  2. understand the individual problems posed in practice in the case of mergers and acquisitions;
  3. to realize and understand the solutions provided by the institutional framework for mergers and acquisitions and the legal consequences involved in such a process,
  4. provide legal support in an case of merger and acquisition case and to propose optimal strategies for the parties involved

General Competences

  • Decision-making
  • Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information using the necessary technologies
  • Autonomous work
  • Project planning and management
  • Adapting to new situations

Course Content

Mergers and acquisitions are the most drastic actions applied by companies in order to promote their market position. M&A procedures are complex and require a very good knowledge of existing legislation in numerous branches of law (civil, corporate, tax, competition, capital market, labor market, etc.). The course presents the legal aspects of of mergers, divisions and acquisitions of companies (especially of societes anonymes).

The course examines the business of mergers and acquisitions, both from the perspective of corporate law (Law 4548/2018 and Law 4601/2019) and from the perspective of contract law (mainly under the Civil Code), as well as from the perspective of private international law, in case of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (Law 5055/2023). Especially for listed companies the legislation on take over bids is also examined (Law 3461/2006)

Student Performance Evaluation

Written examination in the form of a solution to practical issues covering the curriculum taught


Suggested Bibliography

  1. Corporate Law
  • Perakis (Ed.), To Dikaio tis Anonymis Etairias, τ. 8 – Metasximatismoi Neon Etairion (arthtra 66-89 tou Kodika 2190/1920), 2004
  • Perakis (Ed.), To Dikaio this Anonymis Etairias (2 tomoi), 2010
  • Perakis, Ptoxeftiko Dikaio, 2016.
  • Rokas, Emporikes Etairies, 2019.
  • Avgitidis, To Neo Dikaio ton Etairikon Metasximatismon, 2019.
  • Sotiropoulos (Ed.), To Neo Dikaio ton Etairikon Metasximatismon, 2021
  • Sotiropoulos (Ed. , Dikaio Anonymis Etairias, 2020
  1. Competition and capital market law.
  • Triantafyllakis, Dikaio Elefthrerou Antagonismou, 4th edition, 2020
  • Tzouganatos (Ed.) Dikaio Elefthrerou Antagonismou , 2nd edition, 2020
  • Avgitidis, Dikaio Kefalaiagoras, 2i ekd.., 2019.
  • Tountopoulos, Dikaio Kefalaioagoras, 2i ekd., 2021.
  • H.Soufleros, O Kanonismos 1/2003 gia tin efarmogi ton kanonon Antagonismon tis E.E. (Artha 101 &102 SLEE), 2015.


  1. Civil and Labour Law.
  • Valtoudis, Polisi Epixeirisis, 2005
  • Ap. Georgiadis, Enoxiko Dikaio – Eidiko Meros, t. I, 2004.
  • Fragos, Aposxisi Kladou, 2012.
  • Papadimitriou, Syllogiko Ergatiko Dikaio, 2018.
  • I. Lixouriotis (Ed.), Efarmoges Ergatikou Dikaiou, 2017.
  • Papachristou, O Prosimvatikos Elegxos tis Poloumenis Epixeirisis, 2021.
  • Tsolakidis, I Apozimiosi stin Prosimvatiki Efthini, 2020.

B. Foreign Bibliography (selection).

  • Gaughan, P. A. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings, 5th edition, 2010
  • Miller, E. L. Mergers and Acquisitions: A Step-by-Step Legal and Practical Guide, 2008
  • Beck’ sches M&A – Handbuch, 2017 (German)

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