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Π.Μ.Σ Το Χρηματοοικονομικό και Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο των Αγορών Χρήματος και Κεφαλαίου

M.Sc. in Banking and Finance Law

Financial Management

1st Semester, Course Code: ΜΕΧΘ04

Credits: 7,5

Learning Outcomes

The goal of this course is to offer knowledge to the students in relevance to the financial management decisions of corporations. Financial managers take regularly decisions which impact firm value and performance. They decide whether an investment is worthwhile and should be included in the firm’s investment budget. They will have to find the appropriate funding and calculate the cost of these funds. Additionally, the financial managers decide about the appropriate pay-out to stockholders. Financial operations also include the cash and leverage management so that the firm remains viable. All these decisions are made in the environment of asymmetric information which gives rise to conflicts of interest and agency costs. Students will be able to identify such circumstances. Moreover, the students will acquire knowledge of the functioning of the money and capital markets which permit financial decision makers to adjust risk and return of their portfolios.


The course starts with the development of the basic financial structures and capital market characteristics. Then students are exposed to the concepts of the time value of money, the relationship of risk and return and of the net preset value. Based on these theoretical and practical topics students will find out how to calculate the cost of capital and subsequently learn to evaluate investments, shares of stock and bonds. The approach will be that from the side of both investors and corporate managers.

The successful completion of the course, students will be sufficiently capable of:

  • interpreting interest rate changes
  • estimating the cost of funds and understanding the determinants of the cost of capital
  • evaluating alternative investment projects
  • estimating portfolio risk and return
  • evaluating the value and performance of companies.
  • identifying conflicts of interest agency problems and market frictions

General Competences

  • Adapting to new situations
  • Decision-making
  • Teamwork
  • Working in an interdisciplinary environment
  • Production of free, creative and inducive thinking
  • Cope with legal issues in financial management
  • Analyse financial issues in legal cases

Course Content

  1. The institutional setting in which firms operate
  • Corporate objectives
  • Financial decision making for business firms – The role of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Principles of Financial Decision making
  1. The Structure and importance of Financial Markets
  • Financing Corporate activities
  • Conflicts of interest and the agency cost – Incentive and compensation structures for firm executives
  • Efficient markets – Market frictions – Behavioral Finance
  1. Time value of money
  • Compounding and future value
  • Discounting and present value
  • Future values and present values of annuities
  • Effective annual interest rate
  1. Risk return and the Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Measuring risk and returns
  • Portfolio diversification
  • Market risk and beta
  • CAPM
  1. Bond Valuation
  • Basic characteristics of bonds and bond markets
  • Types of Bonds
  • Calculating bond values
  • Bond yields and Yield to Maturity
  • Callable Bonds
  • Risk premia in bond yields
  • The Yield Curve
  1. Valuing stocks
  • Valuing common stocks – the discounted dividend model
  • The constant growth formula
  • The present value of growth opportunities
  • valuing preferred stock
  1. Weighted Average Cost of Capital-WACC
  • Sources of Funds
  • The cost of debt issuing
  • Raising capital with common stock issuance
  • Raising capital with preferred issuance
  • Internal and external financing
  • After tax WACC
  • How to much the risk of projects with the appropriate WACC
  1. Investment evaluation and Capital Budgeting
  • The payback method
  • The Net Present Value method – NPV
  • Internal Rate of Return – IRR
  • Modified Internal Rate of Return – MIRR
  • Solving conflicts among the different methods of investment evaluation
  • Estimating investment cash flows

Student Performance Evaluation

For the overall students’ evaluation there is a final exam (100% of the final grade) which contains concept questions and practicalnumerical problems


Suggested Bibliography


  • Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., and Harford, J. Corporate Finance 4th edition,  (Greek translation), Εκδοσεις Τζιόλα.


  • Brealey, Myers, Allen, Principle of Corporate Finance 10th edition (Greek translation), UTOPIA, 2013.
  • Brigham Eugene Ε and Michael C. Ehrhardt, Financial Management, Theory and Practice, South -Western, 13th ed., (ΒΕ).
  • A. Damodaran, Applied Corporate Finance, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2011, (AD).


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