
Outgoing Students

Incoming Students


Erasmus+ is a program of the European Commission which for the field of Higher Education grants the mobility of students to Higher Education Institutions in countries participating in the program. The coordination and management of the program is carried out by the International Relations Office of the University of Piraeus with the assistance of the Academic Coordinator of the respective Department.

The mobility of students abroad is considered particularly important because students have the opportunity to develop new skills and qualifications, which contribute to their personal development. In particular, students are given the opportunity to improve their language skills, develop intercultural skills, be developed into European Citizens, while in addition students who move for internships may gain valuable work experience in a company/organization abroad. Finally, the mobility of students abroad increases the recognition of the Academic Institution/Academic Department and creates positive impact at European level.

  1. Outgoing Students for Studies

Students can move with the Erasmus+ Program for studies and receive a mobility grant for up to 12 months per study cycle (undergraduate, postgraduate and/or doctoral). Students can apply for Erasmus studies from their 1st year.

Bilateral Agreements

The mobility takes place at the academic institutions with which the Department has entered into a bilateral cooperation agreement and are given by the following table:

Cyprus University Of Technology
Business Studies and Management Sciences
Greek, English
University of Nicosia
Greek, English
University of Limoges
Economics, Accountancy & Financial Management
1st , 2nd , 3rd
Alba Iulia
Business and Administration
Romanian, English
Technological University of Kosice
Business and Administration
Slovak, English
1st , 2nd , 3rd
Celal Bayar
Economics and Accounting
Turkish, English


Application Process and Academic Evaluation Criteria

Students who are interested in moving for studies in the next academic year must submit to the Registration Office of the Department an application of interest request within the predetermined application submission period, as announced by the International Relations Office.

After the deadline for submitting the supporting documents, the applications that have been submitted to the Registration Office are forwarded to the Academic Coordinator of the Department in order to proceed with the evaluation and selection process. Promoting academic excellence, the Academic Coordinator takes into account the following academic selection criteria:

  • The student’s performance (average grade).
  • Knowledge of foreign languages, especially the language spoken at the Host Institution.
  • The reasons for participating in the program (incentives) with justification.
  • The interview with the relevant Academic Coordinator of the Department.
  • The student’s CV.
  • The scientific articles related to the academic subject of the Department of study.
  • Knowledge of PC operation.
  • Participation in seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. related to the academic subject of the Department of study.

Low priority for participating in the Program is given to:

  • Students with a country of origin other than Greece, who request mobility to an Institution of their country of origin.
  • Students who have already completed an Erasmus+ mobility (either studies or Internship).
  • Students who have resigned from the Erasmus Program, without stating a specific reason for their action.

After Selection

Once you have been approved to move with the Erasmus+ Program for studies, you should visit the website of the Host University to get informed about the actions you are asked to complete by the Host University.

Most Universities send directly to the selected students an email with all the necessary information, but you may need to get informed yourself about the existing deadlines.

Registration at the Host University

To register, you need to submit the Application Form, which will be in paper or electronic form. You will find more instructions on the website of the Host Institution, since this procedure concerns the Host University exclusively and in any case it may differ from one to another.

Learning Agreement for Studies

During your registration process, you may also be asked to submit the Learning Agreement for Studies document. This document concerns both the recording of the courses you will attend at the Host Institution, as well as the courses that will be recognized respectively by your Department at the University of Piraeus upon successful completion of the courses at the Host Institution.

You complete the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) online,, which must be signed by you, the Academic Coordinator of your Department, and the responsible professor at the Host Institution.

It is reminded that in order for your move to the Host Institution to be realized, you must have in your possession a Course Matching Certificate, which is signed by the instructor of the respective course and the Coordinator of your Department, in at least 3 matching courses.


Regarding this issue, you should contact the Host Institution to inform you about the options and the alternatives that exist for finding housing. In case the Host Institution provides accommodation to incoming students, you should also submit the Accommodation Form.

Final Acceptance by the Host University

Send the relevant supporting documents to the Host University in the indicated manner (by email, post, etc.) and wait for your official acceptance from the Host University which can be in various forms such as an Acceptance Letter or an email.

Submission Process of Supporting Documents to the University of Piraeus

The submission process of supporting documents must be completed 30 calendar days before the start of your move.

Cancellation of the Move

If for any reason and at any stage of the process of preparing / carrying out your mobility you wish to cancel your participation in the Erasmus+ program, you must inform the International Relations Office, the Academic Coordinator, the Administration Office of your Academic Department, as well as the Host Institution (if the nominations process has been completed).

Changes to the Learning Agreement

If you need to modify the content of the Learning Agreement during your move, you need to apply the changes in the Online Learning Agreement,, while at the same time it is necessary to submit the matching certificates for the courses you are resubmitting. The changes must be signed by you, the Host Institution, and your Academic Coordinator.

Extension of Studies

Students who are on mobility can submit to the International Relations Office a request to extend the duration of their mobility for studies no later than 2 months before the current mobility ends. The extension request should be documented by stating the exact reasons of the extension, as well as the exact dates. By extension we mean the day following the end of the initial mobility until the end of the new mobility. It is possible to extend your study period provided that your initial move took place during the fall semester.

After Return

The submission deadline for the necessary original documents is 30 calendar days after the end of your move.

Study Report: You will be sent an email automatically by the European Commission, by the EU Notification System, after the end date of your move – as it was originally set within your contract. You will select the link shown in the email and answer all the questions. After submitting it, you submit a copy to the International Relations Office.

Recognition of Courses

You will need to submit in original form to the Administration Office of the Department:

  • the final OLA (Before the Mobility and Changes to OLA – if you made changes),
  • the Matching Certificates, as well as the
  • Transcript of records, the copy of the analytical grades issued by the Host University.

Language Assessment and Preparation

The European Commission has designed the Online Linguistic Support (OLS), an online platform, aiming the students who move for studies to make the most of and achieve better learning outcomes in terms of strengthening their language skills and learning foreign languages.

Online language preparation courses will be provided to students who are going to move for studies and the main language of instruction is one of the following: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch.

The procedure is as follows:

  • All selected students (except those whose mother tongue is one of the above) for studies, must take an online assessment test of their level in the language they will use for studying abroad.
  • The result of this assessment is one of the supporting documents that must be submitted.
  • The student will be able to attend online language courses during the mobility period.
  • After the end of the mobility period, all students who moved abroad for studies, regardless of whether or not they have attended the online language courses, must take a second assessment test. Students who achieved in the first assessment test level C2, are exempted from the examination of the second assessment.


More information about the procedure you should follow and the supporting documents you need to submit can be found in the Student Mobility for Studies section of the International Relations Office of the University of Piraeus.

  1. Incoming Students for Studies

As an Erasmus+ student at the Department of Banking and Financial Management in University of Piraeus, you will have the opportunity to take courses, attend seminars, volunteer and explore the city of Piraeus!

The Department

The unique university department in Greece with the exclusive learning subject of Banking and Finance, which since its creation in 1989 has been and aspires to remain a pioneer in teaching the theory and the modern applications of these learning subjects.


  • It received the highest evaluation among similar Departments of the Greek Universities by the National Authority of Higher Education in the latest accreditation process (2020).
  • High scientific & professional quality of professors with doctorates from renowned universities in Europe and USA, positions of responsibility in organizations, and one of the most powerful and competitive research infrastructure at the international level.
  • Modern and flexible curriculum that covers the whole spectrum of finance, combines theory with practice, develops digital skills by learning programming languages ​​(Matlab, R, Python, Power BI), exercises critical thinking, encourages competition and collaboration, while being equivalent with those of the world leading universities incorporating modern trends such as ESG and Environmental Finance.
  • High absorption of its graduates in the labor market of Greece and abroad. 85% of graduates find employment within 12 months of graduation.
  • Its graduates are accepted for postgraduate and/or doctoral studies at the best universities of Europe and the USA.
  • Takes initiative and cares for its students, preparing them for participation in national and international competitions. Winning team at the CFA Institute University Research Challenge (2019, 2020, 2024).
  • Collaborations with market officials & companies.
  • The curriculum belongs to the certified programs participating in the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program, integrating at least 70% of the CFA Program Level I Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) (first level of the exam) and correspondingly helping students in their future preparation for the acquisition of the globally recognized professional certification of a Chartered Financial Analyst.
  • In collaboration with the world-renowned and leading body for professionals in Accounting and Finance, ACCA, it provides its students with the maximum number of exemptions the organization (ACCA) gives to curricula, 9 in total, out of 13 ACCA courses/exams required to be certified as Qualified ACCA.
  • Academic seminars with invited distinguished academics (since 2005).

Bilateral Agreements

The move is carried out by the academic institutions with which the Department has entered into a bilateral agreement and are given by the following table:

Cyprus University Of Technology
Business Studies and Management Sciences
Greek, English
University of Nicosia
Greek, English
University of Limoges
Economics, Accountancy & Financial Management
1st , 2nd , 3rd
Alba Iulia
Business and Administration
Romanian, English
Technological University of Kosice
Business and Administration
Slovak, English
1st , 2nd , 3rd
Celal Bayar
Economics and Accounting
Turkish, English

Offered Courses

It is recommended to submit Online the Learning Agreement (OLA), through the Erasmus Dashboard platform, to register for the courses you will attend at the Department.

The offered undergraduate courses of the Department are the following:

  1. A) For Greek-speaking incoming students, all courses of the department’s undergraduate curriculum are available for selection.
  2. B) For non-Greek speaking incoming students, the courses available for selection are listed below
Fall Semester
Spring Semester

Core Courses


·         Statistics I

·         Financial Management

·         Risk Management for Financial Institutions

·         International Financial Markets



Elective Courses


·         Auditing

·         Behavioral Neurofinance

·         Econometric Analysis of Time Series

·         Microeconomics Of Banking

·         Credit Risk Management

·         Business Policy and Strategy

·         Bayesian Econometrics with Applications to Portfolio Choice



Core Courses


·         Statistics II

·         Fixed Income Securities

·         Corporate Finance




Elective Courses


·         Banking Laboratory

·         Management Accounting

·         Financial Econometrics

·         Mergers and Acquisitions

·         Applied Global Macrofinance

·         Financial Technology

·         Organizational Behavior

·         Special Topics in Finance



  1. C) The following courses:
  • Econometric Analysis of Time Series
  • Bayesian Econometrics with Applications to Portfolio Choice

can be taught in the English language.

For more information and/or guidance on the courses offered, you may consult the Academic Coordinator of the Department.

Enrollment in the University

Upon arrival, all incoming students are obliged to attend the Orientation Day which takes place at the University of Piraeus (exact dates will be announced). After that, they can be enrolled at the Department they have been accepted.

Institutional Grading System

10 – 8,5
Very Good
8,49 – 6,50
6,49 – 5
4,9 – 0


The University of Piraeus is not able to provide student residence to its students. However, the International Relations Office will be of assistance on finding accommodation for your stay as an Erasmus exchange student by providing you a list of flats and available rooms in Piraeus and in the center of Athens.


Erasmus students can use the University Restaurant for free 3 times per day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). The University Restaurant is closed during national holidays and breaks.

Finance Club Unipi

As Erasmus students you can be a part of Finance Club UniPi, which was founded in 2019 by a student community of the Department of Banking and Financial Management with a clear mission: to equip its members with the essential skills required for a successful future in finance by providing opportunities to apply their academic knowledge to real-world scenarios and have access to industry professionals who can provide valuable insights and guidance.


As Erasmus students at the University of Piraeus you have full access to the library and the electronic depository of the University using your Student ID. Learn more about the Library of the University of Piraeus here.


You can visit the University Doctor for free. His Office is at the ground floor of the University. Learn more information here.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center of the University is available for Erasmus students. Specialized advisors are available to support the students during their transitions and integration to the University life.

Sports’ Activities

You can use the gym facilities of Panteion University, using your Student ID.

Student ID Discounts

Holders of Student IDs benefit from discounts in public transport and other educational and entertainment activities.

More Information

More information about the procedure you should follow, the supporting documents you need to provide, and the services provided, can be found in the Mobility for Studies section of the International Relations office of the University of Piraeus.

  1. Contact Persons

International Relations Office

Head of the Office: Dr. Christina Kontogoulidou,

tel: +30 210 4142245, e-mail:

Outgoing Students: Ms. Zoi Katsiri,

tel: +30 210 4142170, e-mail:

Incoming Students: Ms. Georgia Liapi,

                                     tel: +30 210 4142248, e-mail:

Department of Banking and Financial Management

Academic Coordinator: Assistant Professor Nikolaos Englezos,

tel: +30 210 4142341, e-mail: