Academic Seminars, Spring Semester 2018-2019

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Spring Semester 2018-2019
University of Piraeus
School of Finance and Statistics
Department of Banking and Financial Management


Supported by Piraeus Bank
Michail Anthropelos, George Skiadopoulos






7/3/2019 16:15-18:00
Michel Habib
University of Zurich
Valuation in the Public and Private Sectors: Tax, Risk, Debt Capacity, and the Cost of Capital
21/3/2019 16:15-18:00
Rafael Zambrana
Nova School of Business and Economics
A Tale of Two Types: Generalists Vs. Specialists in Asset Management
4/4/2019 16:15-18:00
Marcin Kacperczyk
Imperial College London
Foreign Institutional Investors Affect Price Informativeness?
11/4/2019 16:15-18:00
Florian Heider
European Central Bank
Variation margins, fire sales, and information-constrained optimality
18/4/2019 16:15-18:00
Seminar by internal faculty member
George Skiadopoulos
University of Piraeus & Queen Mary University of London
The Contribution of Frictions to Expected Returns
23/5/2019 16:15-18:00
Michael Brennan
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and University of Manchester
Expected Return and Risk in the Stock Market
30/5/2019 16:15-18:00
Matti Suominen
Aalto University
Cross-Asset Time Series Momentum

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