At the beginning of the 3rd or 4th semester (depending on whether the student is full or part time) a thesis must be written.
The goal of the thesis is the students to explore critically, through explicit empirical analysis, various topics in banking and finance.
Students have two options: a) to propose a topic related to their current employment or related to the students’ research interest or b) to choose one of the topics suggested by the teaching staff.
Following the submission of an application from the students in which they provide the title of the thesis and the name of the supervisor, the Coordination Assembly submits a recommendation to the general Assembly of the department about the assignment of the thesis to the recommended supervisor, while at the same time establishes a 3-member committee which plans to evaluate the merit of the thesis (a member of this committee must be the supervisor).
The supervisor must be a member of the department’s staff, while the remaining two members of the committee could be either members of the staff or members of the staff coming from other departments or universities and are related to the graduate program.
The thesis could be written either in Greek or in English.
The thesis is submitted at the end of the 3rd or 4th semester, while it is approved by the supervisor and then the students can defend it in public to the student’s committee.
A thesis is considered successful (based on the 1-10 grading scale) if it receives at least five (5). If the quality of the thesis does not receive a passing grade, then the committee is asking the student to improve it or to modify certain parts or to radically change its whole picture; in that case, the student received a 6-month extension and then to resubmit it after taking explicitly into account all the recommended changes.
It is mandatory for all theses to get published onto the digital platform of “DIONE”, following the guidelines set by the Senate of the University of Piraeus.