The Master of Science in Banking and Finance Law was established back in 2009; It has been designed in such a manner to equip the students with the necessary technical tools of knowledge on financial theory and applications to prepare them for a successful career in the realm of financial markets. The goal of this Postgraduate program trains graduates primarily from law schools who need to cope with complex problems regularly and frequently met in the business sector and financial and money markets.
This program accepts graduates from Law Schools and other Schools with close disciplines at national and overseas universities.
Duration of Full-Time Studies: 2 academic semesters
The Graduate Program in «Banking and Finance Law», is characterized as an indiscipline program, in a sense that provides specialized knowledge that touches both financial and law studies in relevance to the way money and capital markets operate; this is expected to satisfy the enhanced professional needs of lawyers who plan to work within the business sector.
Within this framework, the program is expected to familiarize the students with the rationale behind the money and capital markets, the legal mechanisms of operation with respect to financial markets, as well as with both the traditional and modern financial transactions and operations (i.e., bank lending facilities, investment services, mergers and acquisitions, and asset pricing).
The primary characteristics of the program have to do with the provision of combined knowledge the academic approach and the practical experience of the instructors, as well as the combination and synthesis of various courses.
The Goal of the Graduate Program is: