Προκήρυξη Νέων Θέσεων Διδακτορικών Διατριβών: Εnvironmental Economics and Monetary Policy / Monetary and Macroprudential Policies and Environmental Economics
Σας ενημερώνουμε για τη Προκήρυξη 2 νέων θέσεων Διδακτορικών Διατριβών του διδακτορικού προγράμματος του Τμήματος Χρηματοοικονομικής και Τραπεζικής Διοικητικής του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς.
1) Επιβλέπων: Νικόλαος Απέργης
Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Εnvironmental Economics and Monetary Policy
Climate change, supply shocks and monetary policy rules
The thesis is expected to explore the interaction between monetary policy and climate change as they jointly impact certain macroeconomic outcomes, such as economic growth. The analysis should explore which macroeconomic model is required to analyze the links between monetary policy and climate policy. For instance, the analysis can investigate the role of negative supply shocks in affecting central banks’ ability to forecast and manage inflation and economic growth targeting. In that sense, it will assess the necessary monetary framework in a carbon-constrained and climatically disrupted world and to highlight the climate policy frameworks that can make monetary policies more effective.
O υποψήφιος διδάκτορας πρέπει να έχει γνώση/υπόβαθρο σε νομισματική και μακροοικονομική πολιτική και βασικές γνώσεις εμπειρικής οικονομετρικής έρευνας
2) Επιβλέπων: Νικόλαος Απέργης
Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Monetary and Macroprudential Policies and Environmental Economics
Climate change, monetary policy frameworks and macroprudential regulation
Climate-related financial risks have been recognised by central banks as material to their financial stability. The thesis should explicitly consider to developing the policy framework for dealing with market-based solutions that plan to reduce information gaps that prevent the necessary pricing of such financial risks, associated with transparency and stress testing. To avoid any market disruptions from climate risks, there is the need for a new ‘precautionary’ financial policy approach that will offer more efficient financial policy interventions to deal with such long-term climate-related risks. Such interventions will contribute to the full integration of climate-related financial risks into financial policies, including new and more advanced macroprudential and monetary policy frameworks.
O υποψήφιος διδάκτορας πρέπει να έχει γνώση/υπόβαθρο σε νομισματική και μακροοικονομική πολιτική και βασικές γνώσεις εμπειρικής οικονομετρικής έρευνας
Δείτε τις προκηρύξεις στη σελίδα του Διδακτορικού Προγράμματος.