Game Theory
Course Name: Game Theory
Teachers: Dimitrios Voliotis
School: Finance and Statistics
Department: Banking and Financial Management
Level: Undergraduate
Course ID: ΧΡΜΘΠ02 Semester: 6th & 8th
Course Type: Elective Course – Special Background
Prerequisites: –
Teaching and Exams Language: Greek
Course Availability to Erasmus Students: Yes (in Greek)
Course webpage:
Specific Teaching Activities |
Weekly Teaching Hours |
Credit Units |
Lectures |
4 |
6 |
Course Content
1) Introduction to static games. Analytical presentation of games -minimax theorem -regret strategies – Mixed strategies – Nash equilibrium -Examples
2)Rationality beyond Nash equilibrium. Dominant strategies – Iterative deletion of dominated strategies – Domination by mixed strategies – Rationalizability
3) Perfect equilibrium. Refinement of Nash equilibrium
4) Risk and Bayesian decisions. The Harsanyi doctrine – Static Bayesian games
5) Games with communication. Games with contracts – Correlated equilibrium – cheap talk games
6) Games with sequential decisions. Analytical presentation of tree games – reduction of a tree game to a table – Subgames – Backward induction – Subgame Perfect Nash equilibrium
7) Tree games under risk and uncertainty. Sequential equilibrium – Bayes Nash and subgame Bayes Nash equilibrium
8) Repeated games. The folk theorem – Strategies as automata
9) Bargaining theory. Nash solution – Other suggested solutions
10) Cooperative games. The core – The Shapley value – The bargaining set
Teaching Results
This course aims at the presentation of game theory as a analytical toolkit of modern microeconomics. Game theory is founded on the axiomatization of decision theory, which extends to incorporate decision makers that interact each other. In fact, objective of game theory is to investigate the role of this interaction in the formation of decision outcomes.
The inefficiency of modern markets in real economy as well as in finance is attributed to a large extent to the strategic behavior of economic agents, hence game theory becomes a very fundamental tool for the understanding and prediction of market conditions. Upon completion of this course students will be able to understand the strategic behavior in the economy and to interpret various economic phenomena with strategic interaction.
• Individual Work
• Decision Making
• Advancement of Inductive Thinking
Teaching and Learning Methods - Evaluation
Lecture: Face-to-Face teaching
Use of Information and Communication Technologies: E-class platform support
Teaching Analysis:
Activity |
Semester Workload |
Lectures |
52 |
Autonomous Study |
98 |
Total |
150 |
Student Evaluation:
- Written Final Exam, which includesι:
- short-answer questions
- problem-solving questions
Recommended Bibliography
• Δημήτρης Βολιώτης. Διαλέξεις στην θεωρία παιγνίων, (2015). Εκδόσεις Πεδίο
• Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης. Θεωρία παιγνίων, (2007), Εκδόσεις Gutenberg