The continuous improvement of the quality of teaching is one of the primary goals of the program. For the achievement of this goal, the followings are applied:
– The continuous evaluation of teachers and courses by questionnaires that the students fill up anonymously at the end of every semester, for each course.
– The designation of the material of the courses by all teachers so as the flow of the concepts and objects of knowledge is as regular as possible, and the overlap of the teachable material is avoided.
– Organization of weekly research seminars with invited established teachers and researchers from Greece and abroad.
– Lectures by established specialists from outside the academic area.
In the Graduate Program “Banking and Financial Management”, the graduates of departments of Higher Education Institutions and Technological Education Institutions can be accepted, coming either from domestic or from recognized foreign academic institutions.
In the Graduate Program “Financial Analysis for Executives”, the graduates of departments of Higher Education Institutions and Technological Education Institutions can be accepted, coming either from domestic or from recognized foreign academic institutions and who are currently in the labor market. Priority is given to the working candidates with significant relevant experience.
In the Doctoral Program only holders of a Graduate Diploma with specialization in Finance or in a relevant field of studies can be accepted.
The graduate students are selected by strictly meritocratic criteria. The number of students is limited, in order to assure the direct contact and communication between teachers and students as well as the quality of the Program. The selection is made by a committee of staff members, which is constituted after the decision of the General Assembly of Special Composition of the Department. The election criteria are categorized into quantitative and qualitative.
A) Quantitative criteria:
– A Bachelor’s degree
– For the program of “Banking and Financial Management”, a GMAT degree is also required
B) Qualitative criteria:
– University and department of origin.
– Type of labor/ research experience.
– Knowledge of foreign language (-s).
– Interview
– Recommendation letters by staff members of the academic institution of origin or by the current or past employers.
The admissions committee can decide, after the accordant opinion of the General Assembly, the conduct of additional (internal) examinations for all or for a part of the candidates. The admissions committee determines the material and the time of those examinations.
Those accepting their admission to the programs are obligated to pay, till the end of the pre-registrations, the fee of 1,000 Euros of the school fees, of the first year, which are non-refundable if the candidate finally decides not to participate to the Program of graduate studies of the Department. Accepted to the program(s) are the candidates with the strongest qualifications. The process of election of the graduate students begins with the application form and of the other relative documents and ends with the letter of admission by the Director of the graduate program.