The continuously increasing complexity of the modern financial environment creates for executives in the area increased requirements of knowledge that concern more than one scientific sectors (finance, accounting, business administration, law and economics). The purpose of this course is the analysis of a series of current issues of the financial regulatory environment, so as the students acquire an image of the institutional framework within which they will be asked to take actions in the future and to complete this way the mosaic of the necessary knowledge that they should have absorbed. Among others, the course discusses the following thematic units: dirty money laundering, public proposals of redemption, provision of investment services (MIFID) and defalcation of the market.
The purpose of these lectures is to present and analyze in detail the most important forms of individual and collective investments. At first, there the characteristics of real estate are described and analyzed along with those associated with the accrued bills of the Public Sector, and the markets for bonds and stocks. Next, the approach of creation of security market rates is presented theoretically, while the main indigenous and foreign security market rates are analyzed. The past, the most current evolutions, the prospects and the institutional framework that governs the Athens stock market are an especially important issue of the lectures. Finally, a special emphasis is given on the methodological approach of evaluation and selection of share titles. A part of the lectures concerns the description of the collective investments (mutual funds and corporations of portfolio investments) along with the institutional and supervisor framework that governs them.
This course examines the activity of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As) highlighting the importance of these corporate actions for the firms involved. The course aims to provide a comprehensive approach of M&As exhibiting issues of efficiency in terms of stock returns and accounting profits, corporate strategy, strategies of bidders and targets, corporate governance, valuation techniques, dilution of earnings in equity offers, as well as other issues of accounting and regulatory nature. The main objective of the course is to make the students understand the main concepts in the M&As literature, to present and discuss the main findings of academic and practitioners (e.g. KPMG, McKinsey) empirical research regarding the economic implications of M&As and to provide the knowledge of the basic principles and methods of companies valuation. The emphasis of the course is more on practical aspects of M&As, such as the key success factors of transactions, e.g. valuation techniques, synergies generation, acquisition strategies, including aspects of the legal environment and less on learning the methodologies examining the efficiency of takeovers which are prevalent in international academic literature. Therefore, the students are obliged to undertake a term project on the valuation of a firm and analyse and discuss various articles of practitioners’ studies.
The goal of this course is to give to the graduate students a clear viewabout the characteristics of the real estate market investments. The course is expected to help those students who wish to have a career at the indigenous or the universal market of real estates, in a private or public entity. More specifically, the course aims at presenting those mechanisms that connect the macroeconomic environment and the real estate market. The material that will be explicated will present the influence of the economic environment, the demographic trends as well as the behavior of the public sector authorities at their effort to influence the behavior and the course of the real estate market. Furthermore, the course will help the students to comprehend the mechanisms that connect the operation of the real estate market with the analysis of portfolio theory. Finally, it will provide the students with the concepts and the necessary tools which are needed so as they are able to analyze decisions about investments in the real estate market.
This course is an introduction to the numerical techniques used widely by applied economists in finance. Its main goal is to bridge the gap between financial theory and computational practice. This is accomplished with the use of the programming language Matlab which is a powerful numerical computing environment for financial applications.
The goal of the course is to explore the basic principles of money and capital markets, as well as ways to deal with the investment risks inherent in the existing internationalized environment.