Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
ECTS: 7.5
Course Type: Elective
Semester: Spring
Teaching Hours: 4
Course Scope
After successful completion of the course in Corporate Governance, students are expected:
- To have grasped the necessary educational tools in order to understand what is and what isn’t a sound corporate governance practice or policy. This toolkit is of great importance and practical use, during the hiring process as a job candidate but especially during the early stages of the individual’s career.
- To have foundationally understood the particularities both of the local (Greek) and the international approach in the discipline of corporate governance, with the hope that this knowledge will entail the students with confidence to behave in a sound and concrete manner, throughout their professional life.
Course Outline
Part A. A bird’s eye view of corporate governance
Part B. Corporate governance around the Globe – Main aspects
– Representation
– Control
– Ownership concentration
– Types of combinations among control and ownership
Part C. Corporate governance in Greece
-Role and responsibilities of the Board of Directors
-Role distribution among executive, non executive and independent non executive members of the Board of Directors.
-President of the Board, Secretary of the Board
-Structure, operation and responsibilities of the control committee, the remuneration committee and the hiring committee
-Fit and proper policies for members of the Board of Directors
-Educational policy for the members of the Board of Directors
Suggested Reading
Required readings (in Greek)
Corporate governance: an international approach, Type: Book, MARC GOERGEN, 2015, Diplographia editions, ISBN: 978-618-5198-06-0
Corporate governance, Type: Book, Dasmanoglou Anastasia, Kounadis Gerasimos, 2021, Legal Library editions, ISBN: 978-960-654-408-8
Class notes