The Department of Banking and Financial Management has been awarded the following accreditations from CFA Greece, ICAEW and ACCA.
| Qualifications, Employment Prospects and Certifications
Employment Prospects
Wide range of professional activities.
In today’s working environment of international financial markets and multinational groups, the demands on executives are constantly increasing, as executives are the heart of every company and their quality determines its prospects. The globalised economy and international competition bring ever-increasing demands for quality, innovation and adaptation of knowledge on the part of managers.
In the financial sector in particular, changes are constant and rapid, which makes lifelong learning essential for those who wish to develop their careers.
The M.Sc. Programme in “Finance and Banking” is the first step in the marathon of renewal and adaptation of knowledge in the field of finance. It fosters critical thinking, teaches innovation and equips students with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge so that they can then not only successfully integrate into today’s workplace, but also have the ability to renew and adapt their knowledge to future developments in finance.
In particular, subjects on which the programme places particular emphasis are: The functioning of money and capital markets, portfolio management and asset pricing, corporate financial management, financial derivatives markets, sustainable and environmental finance, the link between economic policy and the macroeconomic environment with thefinancial markets, risk management in the financial system, monetary policy and the role of central banks, financing in real estate and energy markets, mergers and acquisitions, and the role of central banks in the financial system.
In addition to the scientific knowledge it provides, with a modern curriculum comparable to the best universities in the world, the M.Sc. encourages, promotes and rewards fair play, excellence and professionalism, seeking to train leaders and responsible citizens.
Typical career paths.
- Immediate integration or advancement in the professional arena, either in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or public sector, or as self-employed.
- Doctoral studies in internationally renowned universities, possibly leading to an academic career.
Typical jobs/positions.
Some of the jobs suited for Graduates of the Department are listed below. These are positions of responsibility, which require financial executives to:
- Have the critical ability and creativity to respond successfully to the challenges of a rapidly changing economic and social environment,
- combine a high level of theoretical training with a practical mind to provide solutions to real-world problems by taking strategic decisions, as befits graduates of a business school,
- take on the training/training and management of a team
The positions are:
- Financing Executive
- Financial analyst
- Trader
- Risk manager
- Bank executive
- Private banking consultant
- Executive of venture capital and private equity funds
- Corporate accountant
- Chartered accountant
- Auditing and consulting executive
- Financial director of companies
- Financial consultant & Financial Planner for households
- Regulatory and supervisory officer
CFA Institute Programme

The MSc in Banking and Finance of the Department of Banking and Financial Management of the University of Piraeus has been welcomed into the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program. The MSc in Banking and Finance- Specialization in Banking and Financial Management (full-time program) and the MSc in Banking and Finance-Specialization in Finance and Investments (part-time program) have been acknowledged as incorporating at least 70 percent of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) and placing emphasis on the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice within the program. These programs position students well to obtain the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation, which has become the most respected and recognized investment credential in the world.
Entry into the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program signals to potential students, employers, and the marketplace that the MSc programs curriculum is closely tied to professional practice and is well-suited to preparing students to sit for the CFA examinations. Through participation in this program, the MSc in Banking and Finance of the University of Piraeus is eligible to receive a limited number of student scholarships for the CFA Program each year.
The MSc in Banking and Finance of the Department of Banking and Financial Management is especially designed to cope with the high demands of modern banking and finance. For over twenty years of productive operation, the MSc Program of the Department of Banking and Financial Management has provided Business and Financial Institutions with talented men and women who have already gained recognition in a demanding and competitive environment. Our graduates have both sound theoretical training and a firm grasp of modern structures techniques and products. Our major effort is towards preserving the high quality of instruction and student enthusiasm.
About CFA Institute
CFA Institute is the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence and administers the industry gold standard CFA charter. The organization is a champion for ethical behavior in investment markets and a respected source of knowledge in the global financial community. The end goal: to create an environment where investors’ interests come first, markets function at their best, and economies grow. CFA Institute has more than 160,000 members in 166 countries and territories, including 153,000 CFA charterholders. For more information, visit
About the CFA Program
The CFA Program sets a standard for developing the skills, standards, competence, and integrity of financial analysts, portfolio managers, investment advisers, and other investment professionals worldwide. It is widely considered the investment profession’s most rigorous credentialing program. Administered in English, the CFA curriculum and examinations are identical worldwide. Fewer than one in five candidates who begin the program successfully complete it and go on to earn the coveted CFA charter, the “gold standard” for investment professionals.
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

The M.Sc. in Banking and Finance with specialisation in Finance and Banking Administration has received a total of four exemptions from the examinations for individual modules of the ACCA professional certification examination.
Specifically, for graduates between 1/1/2024-31/12/2028, the following exemptions have been obtained
(, based on the following courses.
- Business and Technology (BT)
- Management Accounting (MA)
- Financial Accounting (FA)
Course exemption | With completion of the modules |
Audit and Assurance (AA) | AUDITING |
Financial Management (FM) | FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT |
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

The ICAEW is currently working with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece (SOEL) to obtain the status of Certified Public Accountant.
The M.Sc. Programme in “Banking and Finance” has received 3 exemptions in ICAEW papers:
Module: Accounting, with 6.0 GPA in ΜΕΧΡΗ106 Financial Reporting
Module: Assurance, with 6.0 GPA in MEXPH325 Auditing
Module: Business, Technology & Finance, with Overall degree award 6.0 GPA and above
Module: Financial Management, with 6.0 GPA in ΜΕΧΡΗ337 Financial Management, ΜΕΧΡΗ331 Derivatives and ΜΕΧΡΗ330 Portfolio and Asset Pricing.
The exemptions are included in the ICAEW repository: