| Full Time Courses and Schedule
Banking and Finance, Full Time
The Postgraduate Program in «Banking and Financial» with Specialization in «Banking and Financial Management» includes nine (9) mandatory courses, two (2) electives and the Master’s Thesis.
To obtain the graduate degree ninety (90) credits (ECTS) are required.
The Postgraduate Program starts either during the Fall or the Spring Semester each academic year. Courses are offered on a 6-month basis, while classes offered on a weekly basis and only on Fridays and Saturdays (in case the conditions make it mandatory, the General Assembly of the department may decide that classes can be organized on other weekdays as well), while classes can be offered in Greek or English. The time duration of each course is 39 hours.
Preaparatory Courses
2nd Semester
- Bank Risk Management
- Financial Management
- Financial Econometrics with Applications in R
- Derivatives
- Spring Semester Elective Course
3rd Semester
- Winter Semester Elective Course
- MSc Dissertation/Thesis
Winter Semester Elective Courses
Classes are offered on a hybrid basis (in classrooms and/or on a distance basis). The percentage of distant classes is based on the legal framework, as well on decisions reached by the General Assembly of the department.
The Postgraduate Program may decide not to offer all elective courses, while an elective course is offered only if a minimum of ten (10) students select it. This does not apply for the course of Practical Training in Banking and Financial Management. Nevertheless, the General Assembly of the department may make any changes to the above student limit.
Any changes and modification in the program could be effective only after the decision of the legal entities associated with the program.