Th, Feb. 24, 16:15 -18:00 Mungo Wilson, Oxford University, UK Earnings Announcements and Systematic Risk |
Th, Mar. 03, 16:15 -18:00 David Thesmar, HEC, France The WACC Fallacy
Th, Mar. 10, 16:15 -18:00 Andre Lucas, VU Amsterdam, NL Systemic Risk Diagnostics: Coincident Indicators and Early Warning Signals
Th, Mar. 17, 16:15 -18:00 Maureen O’Hara, Cornell University, US Measuring Order Toxicity in a High Frequency World
Th, Mar. 24, 16:15 -18:00 Anthony Neuberger, University of Warwick, UK Realized Skewness
Th, Mar. 31, 16:15 -18:00 Kate Phylaktis, City University, UK Liquidity in the Foreign Exchange Market
Th, Apr. 07, 16:15 -18:00 Rui Albuquerque, Boston University, US Search Frictions and the Liquidity of Large Blocks of Shares
Th, Apr. 14, 16:15 -18:00 Maxim Mironov, IE Business School, Spain Tax evasion and Firm Performance. Evidence from Russia
Th, May 05, 16:15 -18:00
Lieven Baele, Tilburg University, NL Of Religion and Redemption: Evidence from Default on Islamic Loans
Th, May 19, 16:15 -18:00 Robin Lumsdaine, American University, US Implications of the Global Financial Crisis
Th, May 26, 16:15 -18:00 Manolis Mamatzakis Revealing market’s animal spirits: a behavioural loss function approach for the euro-group sovereign debt crisis
The seminars take place in room # 013, Ground floor, University of Piraeus, #80 Karaoli & Dimitriou street, Piraeus, Greece