Academic Seminars – Spring Semester 2011 – 2012

20-02-12 web.xrh 0 comment

Spring Semester 2011 – 2012
University of Piraeus, Department of Banking and Financial Management


Organizers: Gikas A. Hardouvelis, George Skiadopoulos

Information: George Karalas,

Th, Feb. 23, 16:15 -18:00
Ania Zalewska, University of Bath, UK
Sensitivity of Consumer Confidence to Stock Markets’ Meltdowns

Th, Mar. 1, 16:15 -18:00
Nikitas Pittis, University of Piraeus, GR
Statistical Models of Stock Returns: Historical Survey with Methodological Reflections


Th, Mar. 8, 16:15 -18:00
Jörg Rocholl, ESMT, Germany
Flight to Where? Evidence from Bank Investments During the Financial Crisis


Th, Mar. 15, 16:15 -18:00
Aris Spanos, Virginia Tech, US
On Theory testing in Finance: Revisiting  the CAPM


Th, Mar. 22, 16:15 -18:00
Vasso Ioannidou, Tilburg University, NL
On the Non-Exclusivity of Loan Contracts: An Empirical Investigation


Th, Mar. 29, 16:15 -18:00
Chris Veld, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Do Happy People make Optimistic Investors?

Th, Apr. 05, 16:15 -18:00
Richard Harris, University of Exeter, UK
Overconfidence and the Rational Expectations Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates


Easter Holidays

Th, Apr. 26, 16:15 -18:00
Paul Schneider, University of Warwick, UK
The Skew Risk Premium in Index Option Prices

Paul Schneider

Th, May 03, 16:15 -18:00

Angie Andrikogiannopoulou, University of Geneva, SW
Estimating Risk Preferences from a Large Panel of Real-World Betting Choices


Th, May 10, 16:15 -18:00
Ronald Masulis, Australian School of Business, AU
Independent Director Incentives: Director Reputation and Firm Stature

Ronald Masulis

Th, May 17, 16:15 -18:00
Anthony Lynch, New York University, US
Does Mutual Fund Performance Vary over the Business Cycle?

Anthony Lynch

Th, May 24, 16:15 -18:00
Jin-Chuan Duan, National University of Singapore, SG
Dynamic Default Predictions and a Bottom-Up Approach to Credit Portfolio Management

Jin-Chuan Duan

The seminars take place in room # 013, Ground floor, University of Piraeus, #80 Karaoli & Dimitriou street, Piraeus, Greece

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